Patterns | BlockchainLab:UM


Rewarding users with points


Low motivation of users to return and continue using the application.


Rewarding users achievements. Pattern includes designing a scoring system and rewarding users achievements with points. Users feel rewarded for their achievements and efforts and therefore return to continue using application. The pattern can be used in a mobile or web application.

Application is based on rewarding users with points (tokens) for mining.

Monitoring the progress and consumption of tokens and Using tokens only if they add value are related patterns. Ranking users is a related pattern based on the user’s competition with others and not with himself or herself. 


M. Parizi and A. Dehghantanha, “On the understanding of gamification in blockchain systems,” in Proceedings – 2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, W-FiCloud 2018, 2018, pp. 214–219.

Neil and J. Tidwell, Mobile design pattern gallery. O’Reilly, 2012.