Patterns | BlockchainLab:UM


Tics (input verification)


When filling form with one or multiple input fields, users must return to the input field that containes an error or an input that the system is not expecting. Users can face negative feelings if there are multiple required input fields and verification is only triggered after clicking on submit button.


Expressing positive feedback when displaying individualy entered data with ticks. Alternatively, the verification can consist of a change of text color or change of icons as long as they successfully communicate the input validation. The pattern is known from classic applications and can be used in a mobile or web application.

Prevent (and allow) errors is a connected pattern, with broader focus. It has focuses on preventing mistakes with negative messages (e.g. wrong imput, not allowed to continue with value that is not permitted) while patten of verification with tics comunicates in more positive way. In the example of Status these patterns are used together – errors in chosing existing user name are prevented until user choses an original name, then the input is verified which is displayed with a tick.


L. Zavolokina, N. Zani, and G. Schwabe, “Why Should I Trust a Blockchain Platform? Designing for Trust in the Digital Car Dossier,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2019, vol. 11491 LNCS, pp. 269–283.