DIGITal wallets
Connect with existing digital wallet
Users do not have immediate and direct insight into the wallet balance while using the app.
Using a wallet to control transactions and review assets. Access to the wallet is included in the application (e.g. in the menu). Including the existing digital wallet is suitable for users when the targeted user group are experienced users, who in most cases already have their own digital wallet. Otherwise, it makes sense to combine the pattern with other design patterns that educate the user and introduce them to the use of digital wallets. The pattern can be used in a mobile or web application.
Connected patterns
Built-in digital wallet is a connected pattern which is more commonly used in applications where the digital wallet is not among the primary functionalities and the need to keep the application threshold as low as possible is at the forefront. Link to wallet download and Registration without cryptocurrenciest are used when we want to include less experienced users who do not yet have a basic knowledge of dApp operation and haven’t set up the wallet yet. Support for variety of different wallets is also crucial.
S. Scuri, G. Tasheva, L. Barros, and N. J. Nunes, “An HCI Perspective on Distributed Ledger Technologies for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2019, vol. 11748 LNCS, pp. 91–111.