Patterns | BlockchainLab:UM


Review transaction before execution


The technical specifics of blockchain prevent the cancellation of transactions, which can be particulary painful for users in the event of errors in financial transactions.


In the case of non-refundable transactions, it is necessary to add friction in the user experience. Friction forces the user to the additional inspection and redirects him accordingly, if he finds an error during the inspection. The pattern can be used in a mobile or web application.

Connected patterns

Preventing (and allowing) errors and confirming the transaction with password are related patterns. They adress the same challenge (error prevention on user’s site before transactions are executed) through other mechanisms. Confirming the transaction with  password creates more friction than reviewing transaction before execution. Preventing (and allowing) errors on the other hand is a broader pattern that can also be applied at other input fileds in the application. 


10 Usability Heuristics for UI Design in the Blockchain Era – MVP Workshop.” [Online]. Dostopno na: [Accessed: 01-May-2020].

ConsenSys Design, “Rimble,” 2018. [Na spletu]. Dostopno na: [Accesssed: 10-Jun-2020].